PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

Jesse gets the news that Kay from KAYS GOOD COOKING has died. He decides to reveal the reason he trolled her, and exposes her virulent racism. The Pod Awful Cult begins their own Kay fan group and page in her honor, but some other Kay fans begin threatening ACTUAL VIOLENCE as a result. Happy Piss Take Thursday!

Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we cover even MORE Kay videos only on THE PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/EChFA8_sDnY

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.com/store


Direct download: Pod_Awful_X100.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you an easy life with literally no problems ever, PRETEND YOU HAVE THEM ANYWAY! Chris is sick of hearing about his friends' made up non-issues, so he brings in a video where a girl decides she was born a cat trapped in a woman's body. Jesse got scammed by a bum, so he brings in a video where a woman gets caught faking being homeless. Report cringe crimes to your local police.

VOTE FOR THE WORST: http://madcastmedia.com/shows/cringevscringe/32/

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/j_cgAQvuHx4

GET BONUS CRINGE! Join The PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

Join the FACEBOOK GROUP: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.com/store



Original "Phony Feline" Video: https://youtu.be/zqSgGV-5dS0

Original "Bogus Beggar" Video:https://youtu.be/2Tw2Pi1MCNg

Direct download: Pod_Awful_Cringe_32.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:05am EST

The ONLY awards show that celebrates teenage murderers and criminals. Host DJ Jizzy Piss hands out awards to the Most Autistic Teen, The Robert Robinson TILF of the Year, and the RE-BLOGGY to the most murderous teen who is STRAIGHT KILLIN' IT. Including Monalisa Perez, the pregnant teen who shot and killed her boyfriend for a Youtube video; Obdulia Sanchez, who livestreamed herself killing her sister in a car crash; Devon Arthurs; a former Neo-Nazi who converted to Islam and then killed his friends; and many more!

Get the POD AWFTER SHOW only on THE PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/2ElkJdGZ36w

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.com/store


Direct download: Pod_Awful_X99.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:59am EST

PART TWO OF TWO. Honestly, just watch the video version: https://youtu.be/HZ54ABkfLEU

This is way too long, but basically, don't date a girl that tells you they have extreme anxiety and paranoia issues or they will eventually do everything possible to rip your heart out and kill you.

Here's the warning to the next guy. This is coming for you.

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.com/store


Direct download: Pod_Awful_X98_Part_2.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:20pm EST

PART ONE OF TWO. Honestly, just watch the video version: https://youtu.be/HZ54ABkfLEU

This is way too long, but basically, don't date a girl that tells you they have extreme anxiety and paranoia issues or they will eventually do everything possible to rip your heart out and kill you.

Here's the warning to the next guy. This is coming for you.

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.com/store


Direct download: Pod_Awful_X98_Part_1.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:51pm EST