PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

It's Christmas time and Mersh is trying to not be blackpilled on Nightwave Radio. Kind of hard when he lost his last $376 to Pod Awful. Mersh watches some Frank Hassle, sends money to Baked Alaska, yells at the spergs in chat, asks Alex Jones for some advice on trolls, and wheezes laughing at ZenRhino losing his autistic mind on Jesse from Pod Awful. Put out a plate of bones for the fat man, we are praying for a Christmas Deer-acle!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/va_D-frZdoE

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

SUBSCRIBE TO MY BACKUP CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/podawful2

FOLLOW ME ON DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful

GET UPDATES ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawful/

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.shop


Direct download: Pod_Awful_Infinity_109.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 8:54pm EST

[3.5+ HOUR LONG EPISODE! PIZZA FUND ONLY. $12 LEVEL AND UP - http://podawful.pizza]

The Dick Show, Revenge Of The Cis, Ethan Ralph, Rekieta Law, Ryan Long, and Madcucks all under one roof! THE GOON EVENT OF THE CENTURY! Mersh should be riding so high right now, but he's spending his Nightwave Radio streams defending the size of the Road Rage Tampa live audience, and LYING about how many people attended! Dick Masterson, Royce, and Hollywood Mersh were on high alert for trolls to show up and wreck their event, but what they didn't see coming was we paid one of their ACTUAL fans to stream snipe their show! What we didn't plan on was for him to smoke Meth with Ethan Ralph. That one is on him. Watch the complete DISASTER of an evening as the crowd ignores what's happening on stage, wanders in and out of the show, and screams over top of the performers. Enjoy it the way no one in the audience experienced the show-- FULLY SOBER. It's a true nightmare come to life, and it all ends with a prank call to Mersh's old strip club!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/fq__nQY_Kzg

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

SUBSCRIBE TO MY BACKUP CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/podawful2

FOLLOW ME ON DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful

GET UPDATES ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawful/

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.shop


Direct download: Pod_Awful_infinity_108_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

Dick Masterson of The Dick Show and Revenge Of The Cis held the GOON GALA of the year in Tampa, Florida. Luminaries such as Nightwave Radio's Mersh, Ryan Long, Ethan Ralph, Madcucks, and Nick Rekieta all came together for a booze and meth fueled live show all in honor of Pod Awful's 11-year Anniversary! I sent a Pod Awful agent to go scope out the event, my buddy Michael Arthur Taylor Jr. Unfortunately, we learned after the fact that Buddyman had come down with the SHORONAVIRUS, and has likely given all the Goons, and their wetbrained fans, SHOVID-19. I speak to Michael about his health, his Super Mama plans a new show, and SOUP PORTER performs a Corona-themed rap song!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/0gdywMCQbxE

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

SUBSCRIBE TO MY BACKUP CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/podawful2

FOLLOW ME ON DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful

GET UPDATES ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawful/

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.shop


Direct download: Pod_Awful_Infinity_107.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

[1.5+ HOUR LONG EPISODE! PIZZA FUND ONLY. $12 LEVEL AND UP - http://podawful.pizza]

THE EVENT OF THE YEAR! Our favorite #GOON Ruphio Pheonix and Jesse, The Greatest Guy, finally bury the hatchet and team up to take down the enemies of the internet TOGETHER. Ruphio calls in and reveals all: why he disappeared for two years, whether or not he has super powers, the mysteries surrounding two girlfriends who died, what is going on with his girlfriend on OnlyFans, and what exactly is a "Human Hot Pocket"? PLUS: Kelsey tries to make Ruphio's favorite "Hamburger Soup" before Jesse deports her, and Soup Porter has a friend with the Shorona virus.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/qK76GLYY9mU

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

SUBSCRIBE TO MY BACKUP CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/podawful2

FOLLOW ME ON DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful

GET UPDATES ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawful/

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.shop


Direct download: Pod_Awful_Infinity_106_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:49pm EST

[2+ HOUR LONG EPISODE! PIZZA FUND ONLY. $12 LEVEL AND UP - http://podawful.pizza]

OnlyFans has turned the average woman into a hands-free prostitute, and the average man into drooling, mashed potato-brain simp. The woman we discuss in this episode is NO average woman however, and her ex-boyfriend is certainly no average man. This is the story of Mallory, the former partner of the Gamer Cringe Mall Ninja Incel himself, Ruphio Pheonix, and her turn to a life of e-scorting since their break up. Mallory is one of Earth's Daddy's Lil' Monsters. A Juggalo. A faerie. And she has a body that just doesn't quit... eating. We review her putrid nudes in gory detail, unveil the "It's Complicated" relationship she is still carrying on with Ruphio, and take a turn down a dark path nobody could possibly see coming!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/cJ4fR5A7FIQ

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

SUBSCRIBE TO MY BACKUP CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/podawful2

FOLLOW ME ON DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful

GET UPDATES ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawful/

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.shop


Direct download: Pod_Awful_Infinity_104_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:08am EST

Youtube protects the LGBTP community. One particular minority within that community is NOT ALLOWED to be cyberbullied according to the TOS. You know the one. The P's. The Pizza delivery boys. The "Gated" Community. NAMbLY-pambly boys. The Paranormal. I can't say the thing we all know I'm talking about anymore, because if I did, Youtube would ban me again. So instead, I'm saying my apologies to the "P" Community to get in good with Youtube and the advertisers. I learn about Drag Queens and "Drag Children" from Talk With Teddy, Use a shock collar to each myself tolerance, I sing a ballad to Chris D'elia, I get sponsored by McDonald's McRib Sandwich, and I make peace with the brave leader of the "P" Community, Robert Robinson, for sending him to jail. PLUS: An update on the Ruphio Pheonix and Mallory Lonely Fans situation. COME GET THE BOYS!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/9ObvpIV8TnY

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

SUBSCRIBE TO MY BACKUP CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/podawful2

FOLLOW ME ON DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful

GET UPDATES ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawful/

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.shop


Direct download: Pod_Awful_Infinity_105.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:49am EST


Kay from Kays Good Cooking has been having a VERY strange conversation with a good friend of hers on Facebook, and 1185 has hacked her messages and leaked them to Pod Awful. Try not to lose your lunch (or dinner) while Kay discusses her sex life, her ex-husband, her cooking (ugh), or worst of all, tries to set her son Lee up with her friend.


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/1zXptE431Sc

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

SUBSCRIBE TO MY BACKUP CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/podawful2

FOLLOW ME ON DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful

GET UPDATES ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawful/

Join the FACEBOOK CULT: http://podawful.com/cult

Get a T-SHIRT or DOWNLOAD a prank call show at http://podawful.shop


Direct download: Pod_Awful_Infinity_103.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:53am EST