PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.


SALVO is here (sorta.) Destiny is exactly who every single person who ever saw him thought he was. No, I don't just mean a manlet, no not just a hypercuck, nu-uh, not even talking about a living reddit account reading wikipedia while hopped up on Vyvanse. HE'S A SEXCRIMINAL!!! And he's getting sued. Meanwhile, an N-cel rootin' tootin' schoolyard shootin' fan of Destiny has named him as an inspiration in his manifesto, along with Goons like Turkey Tom, iDubbbz, Ethan Ralph, and Nick Fuentes. PLUS: Destiny's son mogs Mr. Bonadelli, Gazi Kodzo gets a shoutout, Ethan Ralph's weepy rehab Vitamin S note, and Aaron Imholte keeps chickening out of going on PODAWFUL.

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/5sSbIBvEvho 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO39.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:00am EST


Ian's Content, Anisa's Choice. The Goon to Troon pipeline is unstoppable. IDUBBBZ isn't the way you remember him from when you were 13-years-old. HE'S CHANGED! He's Mr. Jomha now, a slave to Master Anisa. The true BPD puppeteer behind all his videos and content. Every single maneuver a carefully crafted branding of a shell of a former man, including the literal brands all over his body, the flash wall generic Sailor Jerry tattoos. This man is now iJubbbz. But what if I told you he hasn't changed? What if I told you that Anisa has been in control the whole time, including back during the infamous N-Word Guy video that he's been trying to escape ever since? Can Trump's new GOLDEN ERA save this simp? No! Because he always sucked! PLUS: Nick Rekieta reads Aaron Imholte some poetry, and transitions into being a tattoo man himself.

Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we tell more BPD war stories, and cover the rest of the idubbbz video, only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2516 

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/xoNa2bRyJw4 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO38.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

[3.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2513]

Boxxy was the reluctant face of the first e-girl. The unfortunate prototype to something she could have never predicted, and never realized the horrors upon the world she would release. Every generation another one of these things gets released, each worse, and somehow older than the last. Shoe0nHead purposefully tried to make people think she was Boxxy, with an anti-SJW twist. Melonie Mac has taken the ball and gone hard core grifter with it. In reality, it can all be traced back to one location, and moment in time. 2003 Hot Topic, when they were selling Invader Zim merch. Goomers, allow me to introduce you to the form of your destructor: THE THOT TOPIC. PLUS: Dark Future Tech: Secret Chinese Grindr, the insane world of GAY Film Theory, and Kino Casino covers Podawful.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/XKSRTHEHDYY 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO37_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:49pm EST

Mersh can't even catch a break in VR Chat. In his wildest fantasies, where he could be anything on Earth or beyond, he instead chooses to be a virtual cat smoking cigarettes and hanging out at McDonald's while being ignored by children. The past two months of Nightwave Radio have been nothing but Mersh fighting with his internet, and "trolling" kids in VR Chat by pretending to be Dr. Disrespect. Then the PODAWFUL Henchmen showed up... Now Mersh is spiraling out harder than ever before, revealing his own address live on air, and revealing maybe the darkest secret a man could ever keep. PLUS: Aaron Imholte covers the Ethan Ralph episode on Steel Toe, and Dick Masterson admits the Juju costume is real.


Get the 4+ HOUR LONG POD AWFTER SHOW where we send the Henchmen in to DDOS Mersh live, only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2512 

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/TizGWHRNFFE 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO36.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:32pm EST

ETHAN RALPH, MILO YIANNOPOULOS, and VITO GESUALDI are here! When you look up the stupid, over-used zoomer term "crashing out" in the dictionary, there is a picture of Ethan Ralph next to it. The Ragepig is a force that brings destruction behind him wherever he goes. In this episode, Ethan destroys Dick Masterson, and somehow uses Dick's own co-host, Vito, to do it. Ethan reveals he has seen the Juju The Cow fetish with his own eyes, joins Jesse in revealing Dick's murderous connection to Greg Sestero from "The Room", trounces Vito with a little help from Milo, and even manages to stay Sober As A Judge while doing it. What happens when an Unstoppable Pig meets an Immovable Cow? PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S


VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/faZVwwpJWgo 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO35.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

MILO YIANNOPOULOS is here! Milo is in the middle of a barn burner, taking most of Los Angeles out with him. And it just so happens Ethan Ralph is in LA trying desperately to meet up with Milo and Dick Masterson to settle some beef (or more accurately, pork.) I probe Milo (ex-gay) about his spats with Laura Loomer, Alex Stein, Ethan Ralph, Dick Masterson, Nick Fuentes and just about everyone else on Earth. PLUS: Milo reviews the news coverage of Betty Minyard Stein's rootin' tootin' schoolyard shootin', we laugh at the "Mount Rushmore of Gamergate," delve a little too deep into the old MILO logo, and Milo makes an insane prank call to Dick Masterson that is somehow more explosive than anything else Milo has ever done with Dick.


VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/X57dLJM8_TQ 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO34.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

California is on fire. Hey dummy, JUST PUT IT OUT WITH SOME WATER!!!!!!!!! Speaking of burning, Milo Yiannopoulos was a guest on Prime Time with Alex Stein, and burnt the show to the ground. Then burned every single bridge on the way out, calling out Nick Fuentes, Laura Loomer, and Alex himself along the way. PLUS: WinBy2 Radio is a GRINCH GUY, gay arsonists, and Michael Jackson and David Bowie's clones Dave Dave and Jack Steven.


VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/m_BxbFgk6z8 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO33.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:04pm EST

[3+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2507]

VINNY from Fishtank Season 1 joins me to talk 'Tank. We discuss his time on the show, his own controversies, Burt and Connor's butt buddy blowout, and how I snuck onto Season 3 of Fishtank. I managed to prank call Alex Stein while he was on the stream, nearly causing a meltdown. PLUS: Brandon from Famous House 2.0's Drag Kid controversy in the house lead to me getting DMCA'd by Desmond Is Amazing's mother, we watch the horrifying interview Desmond was forced to do with Michael Alig, and Alex Stein interviews Elon Musk impersonator Adrian Dittmann.

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/LzjwcK0sKcE 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO32_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:02pm EST

Elon Musk caused a firestorm on Twitter after showing support for importing an endless supply of Indians to America on H-1B visas. Now everyone online is complaining about Visajeets taking jobs. Perfect timing, because two days before that I made a petition to ban India from the internet (just until we get all of this figured out.) The truth of all of this is that H-1B's are really just a new slave class for the mega-rich, and as soon as they figure out A.I. even the slaves are getting replaced by robots. Nobody gets to have a job. I believe all of the Indian hate boils down to a single event from 2017... a documentary by ACTIVIST/comedian Hari Kondabolu that wanted the Simpsons to get rid of America's favorite poonjabi, Apu. Hindu is the new Dindu.

SIGN THE PETITION! http://change.org/banINDIAnow 


VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/Mm0_7WrdAjY 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO31.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:24pm EST

Grinch guys are a holiday form of The Earth's Jokers. I promise you within 5 years there will be dudes doing Jim Carrey Grinch impressions the way they did Heath Ledger. "I'm da Grinchy, baby!" Everything is now a purposeful inversion of beauty and purpose. The entire Grinch fad push reveals itself for what it is. The Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes. He came to love Christmas, and the Whos, and was invited in by them even after all the mayhem he had caused. But every depiction you see of him is still his spiteful, evil self. The Grinch is Christmas Joker. He's Reddit Atheist Santa Claus. It's a way of saying "F Christmas" while still getting to wear a Santa hat. And PODAWFUL is now weaponizing the Jim Carrey Autism of one brave Goon against all of Grinchdom in our WAR ON CHRISTMAS. PLUS: Nick Fuentes' boyfriend assassin, P Diddy Joker, remembering Jan 6 and Charles Howell, Tom Gulley calls in, and Comedy Shaman is too afraid to stream.


VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/UU812iDF1DY 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO30.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:59am EST

FEATURING SPECIAL GUEST ALI JAMAL! In this episode, I made a tactical oopsie. In the possible worst timing for a stunt ever, a Podawful henchman showed up to Nick Fuentes' house to cover the pepper-spraying incident on the same day a GUNMAN showed up to Nick's house. The police were already on scene, so we got exclusive footage before the story had even been announced. Maybe it was a bad idea to hold up a cardboard sign claiming authority over the MexiMidget's bodily autonomy, I dunno. The Groypers sure seem mad about it. You know, it's funny, I'm thinking about it now, Nick had no issue flinging open the door to mace a Jewish grandma in the face and Spartan kick her down the stairs, but a fella shows up with a crossbow on the stoop, and suddenly he's hiding in his oversized poofy Kanye jacket.


VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/Y7qHQCSnThI 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO29.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:40pm EST

EXCLUSIVE coverage of the 2024 Election, and the ONLY place online where you can find out WHO will be the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! (It's King Donny T. Remember 2016?) WITH SPECIAL GUESTS: Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show, Tom Gulley, Kino Casino, Ethan Ralph, Milo, Sven Stoffels, Ethan and Hila Klein, Keemstar, Boogie, WingsOfRedemption, Charles Howell, and Destiny. PLUS: real-time tracking of Mr. Burgers election-induced mania, Revenge Of The Cis has been let go from Rumble, and revisiting that time Mersh embarrassed himself in front of Martina Markota.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/sz9OQSB4sXM?si=iQT4QChP6ed5adQB 

Buy A Shirt: http://podawful.shop 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO28.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:29pm EST

HAPPY AWFULWEEN! JC(P-)S Criminal Psychology Presents: The dramatic conclusion to the #FindingLilah Saga. The disappearance of Lilah Gold became a cold case in the winter of 2021. She was on her way to meet her online boyfriend, Ruphio Pheonix, for the first time when she was never heard from again. Now, in 2024, the case has gone hot again with new evidence and a confrontation with Ruphio brought to light. We explore the psychology behind Ruphio's twisted mind, including his Mommy Issues, Incel Nature, Psychosexual Disorders, and enjoyment of buttplugs. And a deep dive into investigators' efforts to debunk his crypto fortune, job at a vape shop, and his connection to cryptids and witches. Was Lilah a final sacrifice to a Pagan God? This awkward prequel-sequel completes the Ruphio Pheonix Catfish Horror Trilogy... or does it?


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/HDgTAaGcJ0U 


This is the conclusion to a series that happened 3 years ago, called #FindingLilah that was never completed, and predates the Buried Alive and Red Rooms movies. If you've never seen that series, this might not make any sense to you. Start here:


PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO27.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:14pm EST

A Spooky lead-in to AWFULWEEN. THE COUCH QUEEN Mersh has been spotted, buffalo hump and all, out in the wild. Ruphio Pheonix is BACK on Youtube after a long hiatus, and he's made some new CRYPTID friends. Let me introduce you to COUCH CREATURES. Vile beings who move from sofa to sofa, infesting your furniture, and appearing on stream picking their holes. We call a psychic to contact Mersh's DEAD GHOST HUNTER SISTER, and get a big surprise when more spirits than we bargained for show up. Ruphio fell in love with one of his couch creatures, but she seems more interested in the ones that can actually play guitar. And now they are MULTIPLYING. PLUS: KATTAN pulls himself out of the Take Your Shoes Off Podcast couch to appear on Sam Hyde's podcast at Skankfest.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we watch Kattan on Perfect Guy Life, and cover some of the April Imholte/Nick Rekieta conspiracies from Twitter, only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2495 

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/80iGXLHmdqY 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO26.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:48pm EST

I am joined by animator, cartoonist, and drunkard Sven Stoffels to talk about an EMBARRASSINGLY TERRIBLE podcaster. A guy who wears over-sized grandma sunglasses in his dark studio, makes a big deal about using in-ear monitors instead of headphones, and loves covering Patrick Melton and Steel Toe Morning Show. I'm of course talking about Win By 2 "Radio," and Sven and I can't help but think he reminds us of somebody... BUT FIRST: Artism, FONT CHAT, John K. and Doug TenNapel, the medium is the message, Comedy Sheman is losing it in chat, making Ethan Klein squirm about Hila, HATE MAIL, sperging over RED LIGHTS, video games have ruined an entire generation of artists, 16 Butch Killigan promos, Vito Gesualdi will never release a comic book, and Sven has diarrhea.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we catch up with Comedy Sheman's Diapebeast MANIA, only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2492 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/ItI1DvumtXc 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S




Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO25.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:47pm EST

[3+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2490]

AARON IMHOLTE IS HERE! A year ago I caught Steel Toe Morning Show ripping off one of my Goons from me. None other than Mr. Burgers. I couldn't believe my eyes. But now something sinister has started happening, something IMPOSSIBLE, and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I believe Mr. Burgers has been replaced with some Artificial Ingredients. Some true A.I. Spergers has gone manic again and this time he's done what no other Goon could do-- he's locked himself OUT of the bathroom, and now the sh*t has literally hit the fan (and the sink, and the patio, and the bed.) Now I am teaming up with the AUTHORITY on A.I. - Aaron Imholte, and we shall test the Impossible Mr. Burgers to find out where's the beef. Can Sperglord pass a Voight-Kampff test? Can he check the Captcha on the bathroom door to finally use the toilet again? Or has he become the very Darf Darf he hates? And WHO is behind his mechanical mania?

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/qWht1gHBOTE 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO24_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:52pm EST

Everyone's Literally Me character has been beaten and humiliated, not only at the box office, but in his clown-hole, too. The Joker was a massive success, so who could see it coming that Joker 2: Folie A Deux would be such a flop? I will give my non-consensual full review of the movie, but first... Chick-Fil-A has fallen, and only an autistic Lady Gaga fan can save the day, the Santa Cruz Joker somehow saw Joker 2 and completely missed his hero getting thrown over a pinball machine like Jodie Foster, Harlan has been arrested for ELDER ABUSE (is he beating his mom?), Miss Jay Joker Fan pulls a "I'm Da Joker, Baby" moment, Corridor Digital released a PODAWFUL-esque video about Dark Future AI and ur founder, Dr. Egon Cholakian, I predicted Lady Gaga being in the Joker with a parody of "Poker Face," and the Joker turns you trans.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/mS9HflgqZzI 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO23.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:28pm EST

[4.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2488

In this episode, we dive deep into the intriguing intersections of technology and culture! Join us as we explore the fascinating world of Mersh, the impact of hurricanes on our digital lives, and the role of AI in shaping our future. 

We’ll discuss insights from Dr. Egon Cholakian, analyze perspectives from Fleccas Talks and Win By 2 Radio, and dissect the controversies surrounding Redbar and Crystal Crocodile. Has the Comedy Shaman been replaced by AI (and is it better?) 

We’ll tackle the thought-provoking idea behind the Dead Internet Theory—could it really be true? Tune in for a lively conversation that connects the dots between these diverse topics and offers fresh perspectives on our digital existence! Plus, a sinister paranormal character from PODAWFUL'S past crops up again for the final time. 

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more engaging discussions! 

PODCAST: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/podawful/Pod_Awful_EO22_PIZZA_FUND.mp3 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO22_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:59pm EST

Hey everyone! Did you hear? We live an an eternal nightmare world where it is 2016 forever. Hope you enjoy SLOP! Your favorite conservative humor podcast starring a big fat hack and a dopey sidekick reading day-old Twitter takes set to vaporwave aesthetics is BACK, and they are killing it on Youtube! No, not Revenge Of The Cis, their podcast is absolutely dead in the water with Rumble... It's FLECCAS TALKS! Turns out, Royce and Mersh ripped off Fleccas entirely for their whole show, right down to the stupid cyberspace grid background, and stealing jokes from Twitter replies. Hey Grandma? Want to hear your own opinions said back to you? Can't figure out how to sign up for Tucker Carlson's website? Have I got the thing for you! But there has been a Return of The Cis to Youtube, and I don't just mean because of this Jabba The Hutt looking guy and his Salacious Crumb sidekick. ROTC are trying to make vapor-waves back on their newly restored Youtube channel, and Mersh is squershing his mattress over on Nightwave Radio. PLUS: Mr. Burgers wishes Jesse a happy birthday. Mazel Tov!


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we EXPOSE Royce Lopez for LYING about voting for Trump using his own podcast, only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2487 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/n7cK4lB3YmE 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO21.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:12pm EST

[2.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2483]

MOLESTERY SCIENCE TEACHER 3000: My former high school teacher, David Kielbowick, was an odd duck that all the kids laughed at and ridiculed. He couldn't look the kids in the eyes. He had a tremble in his voice. But he was a pretty decent teacher, and I always thought he was ok. Turns out I was wrong. A few years ago, Kielbowick was arrested on absolutely HORRIBLE, predatory charges, involving a minor female family member. I didn't even know this was illegal, but apparently he made cheese pizza with her. I dunno, maybe he used the wrong type of sauce or something. Anyway, I decided to dig down into this rabbithole and unlock a few mysteries about this story that always bugged me. Who was the family member? Were there any signs or red flags? Turns out, not only was there evidence in plain sight all along, but he had uploaded it himself to Youtube a year before his arrest. And after everything I've uncovered, I've formulated an even DARKER, SICKER theory, that makes an already horrifying story even worse.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/fQ2eJBn7GNs 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO20_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:07pm EST

VITO GESUALDI, the long-running permanent cohost of PODAWFUL who has been on every episode for the past 15 years is now potentially on the chopping block. Yeah, that's right. I'm about to fire your favorite guy from the show. You better tune in to see if I do it or not. Should I do it? Tweet me and leave a hearted comment in my like-hole to make your voice SQUEARD (which is a new type of hearing from our partners at Squarespace). Engagement-bait words about the show: Dick Masterson, Biggest Problem In The Universe, Mersh, Patrick Melton. Any of these do anything to your heart rate? I'm trying to scare you, and the only way to save yourself is with a dopamine rush, but you can only get that life-saving dopehit from watching the next episode to find out if big fat silly man is being replaced by new big fat silly man. Would you even know if he was? If you switched all of Mersh's molestacules with all of Patrick Melton's chomosomes, would you just get the same guys again? Hey, wait a second... Dick is selling Vito half of the Biggest Problem trademark? For a dollar? Wasn't that my bit? What exactly are even ideas? What if I just stole Maddox's podcast from him, slapped some Keemstar glue on it and gave it a nice coat of PODAWFUL paint? That's technically a new thing. This is transformative because the guy I'm stealing it from paid for it. Vito now lives inside a Lolcow barnyard prison, where Juju is the farmer. What do these words even mean? What has my life become? Will Vito be on the next episode of Biggest Cohost In The Awfulverse? Sign up for my banned Patreon account to find out nothing. This AI model cannot complete that request at this time due to a violation of our Terms and Conditions. Doom Scroll more product from Globoconglomomondocorpocon to stay relatively sedated. Hit the notification bell to achieve no discernible effect. RIFT GRIFT CONFIRMED BY DICK AND VITO.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/YmAFpEm0DhM 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO19.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:56pm EST

[4+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2481]

Chris kattan has started the absolute worst podcast in history called Idiotically Speaking. Kattan and two goobers he's been paired up with revel in the STUCK CULTURE we are all trapped inside, and relive Chris' glory days on SNL with guests like Fred Armisen, Dana Carvey, and Tim Meadows (live from a coffee shop bathroom). In order to promote new Podcast Product™, Kattan has slithered his way onto Rick Glassman's podcast, Take Your Shoes Off, I assume to expose his clawed, webbed feet. In one of the most awkward interviews online, Kattan fights through a klonopin induced haze to try to understand Glassman's cutesy, Ritalin-fueled nonsense. Right? Right. PLUS: Bob Hickman feeding some chickens, and Redbar got a bubble buttkus while trying to figure out fonts.

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/axdCcJYcl3w 
PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO18_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

Vito is crying on Twitter, saying Dick Masterson is going to kick him off The Biggest Problem in the Universe podcast. Why? Is it because Vito deleted superchats about his weight? No. Is it because he blocked Patreon supporters in the chat room? Nope. Is it for Vito's constant inappropriate "jokes" about kids? Nu-uh, of course not, Dick likes those. Well then, what is the reason? It's because Dick Masterson is jealous of Keemstar's success, and wants to copy Lolcow Live and turn Vito into his sissy-hypno Boogie. So now Juju the Lolcow becomes the Farmer as he initiates his latest scheme: THE RIFT GRIFT. And the real reason for the breakdown of their show presents itself when Dick's henchman RILEY starts threatening to come to Vito's house. Did PODAWFUL cause all of this? PLUS: Mersh and Ethan Ralph try to become Vito's replacement, and Jesse's prank call to Alan Dershowitz goes viral.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW with the BIG REVEAL during the Biggest Problem stream and Dick's schizo fan calling in only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2480 

VIDEO: https://youtube.com/live/BzeEelvfHeI 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO17.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

[2.5 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2478]

The news is reporting that Gen Z and Gen Alpha aren't taking 9/11 seriously anymore. They make constant, ironic jokes and memes about that terrible day. How do you make iPad babies NEVER FORGET a day they could never remember to begin with? 5 years ago I predicted this would happen and shelved the Crashtacular permanently, but after discovering a DARK SECRET about the Zoomers' tasteless memes and tributes, I figured it was time to knock the asbestos-filled dust off the show and DECLASSIFY my findings. The ADHD Tiktok-brained generations aren't joking at all... they are just autistic. Join me, Sonic The Hedgehog, and Skibidi Toilet in a solemn tribute to 9/11 that gets interrupted by a brand-new terrible tragedy. THE TRAGEDY SHAMAN. Intelligence reports came in for months warning of an attack, and all signs were ignored. Comedy Shaman was catfished again.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/7jOaXWph2bM

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO16_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 11:35am EST

Mersh is starting to make me feel like Björk. After dissecting Revenge Of The Cis' first appearance on Elijah Schaffer's show, Mersh decided to dramatically shave his head bald, and show the true MONSTER within. Now, after a second appearance on Eljiah's show, Hollywood Mersh is melting down. He's down bad from gambling, living paycheck-to-paycheck off of Nightwave Radio, and going live, teetering from the edge of his Florida motel balcony, begging for money so he can attend his sister's funeral. But his sister isn't the only ghost Mersh must contend with, because he sees the specter of PODAWFUL looming in every shadow, in every crevice, in every live chat... and it all breaks down when he starts reminiscing about what his uncle did to him all those years ago... PLUS: Redbar caught live in 4K wearing his trademark diapers.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW with Mersh's HORRIBLE confession and going Country on Comedy Shaman only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2476

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHhvvtToo6s 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO15.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 11:08pm EST

[4.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2474]

Mersh has gone TOTALLY BALD! Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show has been arrested, and was on THE NEWS! The Comedy Shaman has entered an uneasy alliance with PODAWFUL after issuing DEATH THREATS to Jesse on Salvo Pancake's stream. We explore Mersh's accidental haircut, speak to a reporter about Aaron Imholte and Nick Rekieta's relationship, and dive deep into the terrible rap song written byt the Shaman, and his insane new methages and bloodlust.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/4W7kKL04lxE

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO14_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:25am EST

It's the 4 year anniversary of the month that Mersh from Revenge Of The Cis and Nightwave Radio finally got RIPPED! Ripped by Porsalin. Ripped by Metokur. Ripped by Youtube. And, of course, ripped by PODAWFUL. Now Ryan Katsu Rivera joins in on the fun as we review Mersh's lates endomorphic appearance on Elijah Schaffer's show The Nightly Offensive. Meanwhile, PODAWFUL was once again canceled by Youtube, Rumble is going to be insolvent within a year, Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show is now on the lam from the law, and Mersh's ghost hunting sister gets RIP'ed in August.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW with more Mersh and a Comedy Shaman Diss Track only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2473 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/YG7VV0J5gjE 

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO13.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 11:37pm EST

[7 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2468]

Comedy Shaman has been Hoodoo'd. I've been Youtube'd. Susan Wojcicki, the former CEO of Youtube and the current CEO of her own grave, is dead at 56 from a long battle with internet cancer. She leaves behind a long and storied career, a digital legacy felt the world over, and four out of five of her own kids. Oh well! Last episode I once again got JEETED by Youtube, and had my video about Comedy Shaman's love life removed. So this episode, we celebrate the no-longer-life of the woman who outsourced the Terms Of Service to third-worlders, and explore the UNSPOOLING of Comedy Shaman now that he has entered full blown SHAMANIA. Shaman learns the hard way not to declare war on PODAWFUL. PLUS: Ruphio Pheonix has a new hairdon't, a ReviewTechUSA documantary snubs Podawful, and a prank call to Redbar (and Howard Stern's) favorite sushi restaurant.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/YG7VV0J5gjE 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #susanwojcicki #youtube

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO12_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 11:13pm EST

The Comedy Shaman becomes the Tragedy Shaman in this internet-age remake of 1992's gender-bending crime-thriller, The Crying Game. Imagine for a moment your perfect woman. Does she have long hair? Smooth skin? Stunning eyes? Does she have a cock? The Comedy Shaman said seeing The Crying Game's twist was his biggest nightmare in life, until he met his new girlfirend... FEDS. According to Shaman, Feds is the perfect co-host, the perfect comedian, and the perfect woman. She's the total package. And she's got a package, too. After cleaning himself up in rehab, The Shaman starts a relationship that goes from Rom-Com to Horror when Feds decides to show off her Nine Inch Nailer live on Shaman's stream.


Get Shaman (And Mostly Feds) UNCUT in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2467 

PODCAST: https://www.youtube.com/live/nFV07l2OSJ0 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #comedyshaman  #steeltoemorningshow 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO11.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:35pm EST

[3.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2465]

A year ago, Steel Toe Morning Show stole my intellectual property, Mr. Burgers. A plan was hatched to MAKE THEM PAY. I worked with Mr. Burgers on a scheme to think outside the bun and end Aaron and April Imholte's marriage. After Mr. Burgers professed his love for Ape, all while charbroiling Aaron over his inability to please his wife, it happened. April left Aaron for Nick Rekieta. In exchange for a job WELL DONE, I offered to pay Spergers back with a free cleaning service, but unfortunately, the Burger Gremlin went absolutely, spatula-flipped-out, MANIC. For four months I mustard the strrength to endure Mr. Spergers' wrath, and in the end found out the small fry had reported my Youtube Channel! As punishment, Mr. Burgers will be forced, Clockwork Orange-style, to watch his own patty-meltdown. Every single video as he slowly devolved into mania, screaming slurs, threatening schools, and claiming he abused his own dog in public. Welcome to BURGERMANIA.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/zmFZt1jcZzg 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #steeltoemorningshow #NickRekieta

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO10_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:59pm EST

Dick Masterson has Mad Cow Disease now that his own "Dickpocracy" has caught up to him. After championing his minion Riley going after Eric July, Daxipad tweets his disapproval of the same harmless shenanigans happening to him. I've started a brand new business called RileyEats, where you can have lolcow milk delivered straight to your house. For some strange reason, Juju the Cow is blaming Eric July for his new inflatable toy. Find out the hilarious truth behind my henchman showing up to Dick's Barbie's Dream Shack in the Hollywood Hills Have Eyes, the history of Juju the cow, watch Dick get BRANDED with my watermark live on The Biggest Problem In The Universe, the insane FIGHT between Dick and Vito, and more! PLUS: Who does PODAWFUL hate more? Ethan Ralph or Randbot? Redbar get's caught doing a Goon's Slip. And "trolling" Alex Stein's girlfriend.DO have a cow, man!


VITO joined the After Show. Get it in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2463 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/Oyn17dlrpK8 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #dickmasterson #ericjuly

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO9.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

[1.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2456]

What happens when a PODAWFUL GOON begins dating a PODAWFUL HENCHMAN? Well sparks sure are flying but not for all the right reasons. The Comedy Shaman has wooed his way into our very own Feds’ heart, but it seems autistic cupid has shot his arrow and it struck Mr. Burgers right in his buns. Now Mr. Burgers has challenged the Comedy Shaman to a burger eating contest for the heart of Feds! So who is the Big Mac on campus? Who will win the Burger eating challenge? Lettuce ketchup with our contestants and find out who can cut the mustard as we relish in this spicy Dating Game with a foodie twist. Whoever eats 15 McDonalds Hamburgers wins a date with Feds. But a mysterious third challenger is approaching...

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/3xHDPcDfu6E 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #foodchallenge #mukbang

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO8_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 11:55am EST

After two years of being too scared to confront PODAWFUL, Alex Stein showed up on the Steel Toe Morning Show to hash things out with Jesse. It was a bloodbath. The audience was divided on who won the fight. All the Henchmen think Podawful won, all the Chat Rats think Alex won, all the Toe-heads asked Aaron why he got cucked on his own show, and everyone who is totally neutral thinks... Podawful won. EVEN MERSH. Watch the whole head-to-giant-head go down in full with a little added context as Alex Stein confirms he tried to sue Jesse over jokes, send bounty hunters to Jesse's parents' house, that Alex's grandmother plays FPS at school, and see the absolutely disgusting video Alex made of his dying mother. PLUS: Mersh says "PODAWFUL WAS RIGHT," Nick Rekieta gives a big fat shoutout, and Alex's biggest fans are all secretly henchmen.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we speak to Alex's CHAT RAT QUEEN, Morgan Elizabeth, and go over the treasure trove of uncut Stein content we've gotten our hands on. Pizza Fund only: https://podawful.com/posts/2454 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/KN6Yo7eyf2s 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #alexstein #steeltoemorningshow 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO7.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

[3.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2450]

Happy Daddy's Day! And the Father Of The Year Award goes to... literally anyone other than Nick Rekieta. I would rather my dad was a deadbeat than in my life and as LAWtistic as Nick. Nick is turning into one of the Earth's Jokers, replacing his alcoholism with an addiction to... I guess poisoning the town water supply with laughing gas? I don't know. Give the award to Aaron Imholte, even, I don't care. Ruphio Pheonix is father of the year for forcing his own mom and dad to take care of his kid rather than himself. We give my dad (the dad of the show) a call to surprise him with the news that I'm having another kid, and we are naming it after him. Nick Rekieta, Ruphio Pheonix, Dick Masterson, Charles Howell, and somehow even Brian Alan Fortune all make an appearance.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/VEIh4LHRj2Q 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #fathersday #nickrekieta 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO6_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:39pm EST

REDBAR has become the new Howard Stern. Not a replacement for Stern, he's just exactly copying  modern day Howard. And Ethan Klein. And Mancow (according to my DM's with Mancow). His constant chase for fame has made his show jump the shark, and his need to be seen as cool while looking like a cold grandmother has warped his show into a teenage pop star magazine. Nobody hates Redbar fans more than Redbar, so exposing a few of his DIAPEBEAST fans show the emperor wears diapers. And one of them had the nerve to get me kicked off of Youtube. PLUS: The most embarrassing heckle of Sam Hyde ever, a dork shuts down a movie theater to watch Redbar, and Hostbusters returns.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we dive deeper into Ryan's wife, and Sven Stoffels' TRUE feelings on Mike David. Only in the Pizza Fund. http://podawful.com/posts/2449 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/W_3dqiEwx5E 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #redbar #howardstern

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO5.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:20pm EST

[3.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2447]

One little appearance from PODAWFUL on Steel Toe Morning Show set off a chain reaction of events that sent the Mersh Effect into a spiral, unspooled Aaron Imholte's life, exposed Nick Rekieta as a swinger and criminal, breathed a fresh 15 minutes into Alex Stein's career, flared up Dick Masterson's contrarianism, and somehow made Ethan Ralph holler too. We take a Hot Tub Time Machine back to my first interview with Aaron, and watch it through the crossed eyes of a Mersh Effect podcast as they play Jesse Dress-Up and guzzle big boy drinks.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/live/vpMeJiFD4FM 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #mersh #steeltoe

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO4_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:10pm EST

NICK REKIETA, LADY (ugh) RACKETS, AND APRIL IMHOLTE HAVE BEEN ARRESTED!!! Podawful was the first show to EVER cover Nick Rekieta all the way back in 2016 when he was still just a Dick Masterson fanboy. Their shared history has been a rollercoaster ride ever since, involving Jesse leaking Nick's blackface pics, Nick campaigning against Jesse's Patreon, Nick coming on Podawful and apologizing, and even Jesse hiring Nick as his own personal lawyer. It seems Jesse's appearance on Steel Toe Morning Show has sent a shockwave across the digital nether-net and somehow resulted in Ape, Nick, and Nick's cross-eyed wife all getting busted for being coke(five)heads. We cover the whole hilarious history, Nick's "junking off video," and tune in live to Steel Toe to crash his stream and one up Redbar by one dollar, yet again.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1Slmb5oIN8

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #nickrekieta #steeltoe 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO3.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 9:35am EST

NO COPYRIGHTS INTENDED: https://imgur.com/a/clint-eastwood-no-copyrights-intended-vv2IFvE 

LOWRES AND HANS ARE HERE! Clint Eastwood has the strangest Twitter account I've ever seen. Every photo posted is just his haggard old face looking lost, and absolutely obliterated with bizarre watermarks. I thought it would be funny to reupload his pics without the logos, but the Man With No Name's social media manager (a man with many names) didn't find the humor in it. In fact, he says I'm being SUED. Well, go ahead, make my day. I'm joined by Lowres and Hans from Movies (A Podcast About The Act Of Cinema), and we do our own Good, Bad, and Ugly investigation into the Clint Eastwood social media RABBIT HOLE. 


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qwtA_XGcO4 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #clinteastwood #lowres 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO2.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:41pm EST

[5 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2440]

THE MERSH EFFECT VS. THE BIRTH DEFECT! STEEL TOE VS. STEAL CATS! THE CRIPPLE VS THE CAT LADY! Mersh is big mad after Jesse appeared on Steel Toe Morning Show, and now the Queen must put Aaron through a loyalty trial. Mersh superchatted Steel Toe making fun of Aaron's crip-co-host, Wheelchair Johnny, causing Johnny to burst out into an emotional mental break down. A new low for the Gunted Grint, but this is exactly his usual pattern of attack. April isn't around for him to trash a woman, so instead he's gotta swing his t-rex arms at the gimpy kid from his "cat rescue" account. The Mersh Effect Civil War is officially on!

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=605LuOw85Mo 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #mersh #steeltoe

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO1_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

Nightwave Radio isn't paying the bills anymore for Mersh. The Rumble bots just aren't big enough numbers for him anymore. Maybe the views will go up if he snatches enough cats from the Circle K and forces THEM to watch. Over on The Bad Luck Boys channel, Jesse has managed to Max Headroom his way into Mersh's stream and drop a truth bomb on the 12 cat ladies watching in his own Mersh Headroom Incident. Now the Queen is melting down on Twitter over the hacked signal, and even Ethan Ralph is weighing in. Catch The Nightwave!


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMCBYpjFjz8 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #mersh #nightwaveradio

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_EO0.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:31am EST

Youtube banned the PODAWFUL channel for promoting paywalled content. You know, the thing that millions of users do every single day on the platform. Watch me slowly melt down in a Kafka-esque hellscape of Indian robot people trying to figure out what words mean.


Direct download: How_Youtube_Is_Going_To_Ban_You.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 8:35am EST

Sven Stoffels is a talented animator, comic book artist, and streamer. I don't know him from any other thing. He is also my best friend. Sven will be drawing famous black figures from history in honor of Black History Month including Ethan Ralph, Mike David from Redbar, Tom Gulley, and Ruphio Pheonix. Also Jim Norton is married to a guy.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsS8r0tFxkg 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #svenstoffels

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF37.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:09pm EST

Salvopancakes was fired by Keemstar, dumped by Redbar, and ex-communicated by Ethan Ralph, so now he's here. After losing Salvo's Spelling Bee (even though he was given a disabled child's rules), Ethan Ralph challenged Salvo to get more viewers as guest host of Podawful than Ethan did with a bet of $200 on the line. Now Ethan is running from his booking on the show, blocking Jesse and Salvo, and possibly view-botting streams. Salvo brings on a certain surprise guest to diagnose Ralph's mental illness. PLUS: Cog copes and AugieRFC revelations.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_01nhOj9bLo 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #salvopancakes #ethanralph

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF36.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:17am EST

A Mexican took over my job and did it worse. Shocker. Ethan Ralph nearly ruins his big chance guest hosting PODAWFUL until Mini Manson shows up and saves the show. I apologize personally for how bad this episode is. I told Ethan he could do anything he wanted and he chose to force the audience into a permanent siesta.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdVn5pGytQ 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #ethanralph #killstream

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF35.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:08am EST

The Goons get celebrating the New Year by getting hopped up on goofballs, and instantly breaking their resolutions. Countdown with us to the STROKE of midnight as Mersh goes goo goo for dabs once again. Redbar DROPS THE BALL while sneak-addressing Podawful's jokes on him. Mr. Burgers PARTIES a little too hard when his Burgers come back up on him, and he wanders around his trash pile in his New Year's Baby birthday suit. Female cop, gun drawn, female cop, female cop, gun drawn, gu-, fe- female cop, gun drawn.

Get the POD AWFTER SHOW with more Mersh Meltdown and Mr. Burgers' impression of sasquatch on the Pizza Fund: https://podawful.com/posts/2428


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6s70K74Z9Pg 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #redbar #mersh

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF34.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:18am EST

It's a Toxoplasmosis Christmas! Dr. Mersh reads us his favorite Christmas tale, How The Grint Stole CATS-mas. The mean old cat lady, THE GRINT, doesn't like the Whoish people of Lakeland, Florida, so he's decided to steal all their cats, and force them to celebrate his Christian holiday. Laugh along as the Grint starts his GoFundMe to grift from a stolen cat, wind up dumped by the charity he claimed he was donating the money to, and heads to the casinos for a last-ditch Christmas miracle! Featuring the singing voice of Thurl Ravenscroft and the miserable failure of Michael Schiele.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XVXhUx4K1g 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #mersh #christmas

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF33.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 8:58am EST

There seems to be some confusion going on about my Christmas vacation. Some people got it in their heads I'm going to Jet Neptune's Fishtank. Because of a fish emoji. So is it true? Will PODAWFUL be the next in the 'Tank? The Piranhas discuss the new secret "lore" of Fishtank Season 2, the EMBARRASSING nature of watching zoomers have ideas, and Jesse's trip to America. PLUS: Revenge Of The Cis chase the clout dragon again, Comedy Shaman confronts Hostbusters, and Redbar tries to remember where he's seen Dick Masterson before.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIqvavLfbnw 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #fishtank #fishtanklive

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF32.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:21pm EST

14 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW! The Comedy Shaman is a former meth-head, former DIAPEBEAST, and former enemy of PODAWFUL. Jesse and the Shaman have managed to patch things up, and now Comedy Sheman is auditioning to become the cohost. In this emotional rollercoaster ride of an episode, Shaman wows with his Hank Hill impression, attempts transvestigating in a game of TRANSSPOTTING, makes som Hank Call Prank Calls, and things get BRUTALLY HONEST. Jesse and Clay tear into Redbar, Nobody Likes Onions, and more, and talk about their TRUE INSPIRATIONS. Can Shaman overcome his demons and go from Goon to God? THIS IS THE BACKROOM CASTING COUCH OF PODCASTS.


Get more of MORTON NAPOLITANO in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2419 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mjNEI4KAVs 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #comedyshaman #redbar

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF31.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:22pm EST

[3.5 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2415]

MADDOX BLAST! Maddox is finally exposing his DICK PROBLEM. He's a day late and $20,000 short, but better autistic than never I guess. Dick Masterson is now on his heels trying to defend himself against a stack of receipts so high, they are taller than three kinda tall things put together. After years of lying and implying, Maddox accuses Dax of pandering and slandering, and now Daxipad is TWEETING AND DELETING. Some of the worst fallout from The Biggest Problem In The Universe and the Lolsuit were comments made by MR. BURGERS, and now both Dick and Maddox are trying to claim the other is the Sperglord's TRUE e-daddy. Well, Mr. Burgers himself joins me for the entire episode to settle the score. PLUS: Nick Rekieta responds to the allegations and shouts out PODAWFUL. It's MAD DOX VS. MAD COW.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX4DTGI1EWI 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #maddox #dickmasterson

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF30_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:50pm EST

REDBAR'S WATCHING... Podawful. A lot. And his Adult Baby Diaper Brigade loves coming to tell me about all their psychotic theories on their best friend Mike David. I've never seen anything like it, the level of friendship simpulation going on between these drug addicts and their rappin' granny podcast man. Finally figured it out, though, Redbar has built his entire brand around styling himself and the show as a 2016 streetwear hypebeast. These people NEED Redbar to be cool, or else the value of their time commitment to 8 hours of nonsense goes down. These are DIAPEBEASTS. And the most insane Diapebeast of all, a guy called HOSTBUSTERS, inserted himself into my life recently in order to protect the BRAND. Unfortunately, Hostbusters didn't realize that 11 months ago, he had accidentally gotten himself catfished by the POD AWFUL CULT...


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we show the UNCENSORED Hostbusters episode where HB gets humiliated over and over again. $6 level: https://podawful.com/posts/2414

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIfqb-m7x1g 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #redbar #exposed

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF29.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:43am EST

[2 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2412]

It's the 7 Year SHOnniversary! Soup Porter has been inhabited by the very spirit of the Earth's Jokers. An evil, demonic spirit that causes him to do terrible things, and I don't just mean the timebomb inside his keister. What separates Soup from the other Jokers though is he has his own true Harley Quinn, Merle. She is fearless, and crazier than him. She is his queen, and God help anyone who dares disrespect his queen. Also I'm pretty sure Soup stuck his finger in Merle's fupa. PLUS: Milhip's friend goes on trial for being paranormal about his daughter.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AyPwaydbAo 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #soupporter #joker

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF28_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:06pm EST

Mersh, Queen Of All Gay Vampires, was interviewed by two doofuses about his epic life story: love, betrayal, bones, and hunger. An epic thrill ride of questions ensues where the hosts of Mir Musk vacillate between seeming like Nightwave Superfans and complete trolls. Mersh has confrimed on twitter he is finally going full cat lady and going Hard 9 Trans. PLUS: Turkey Tom's CARVING gets discussed on Lolcow Live, Cult Member James is confronted in an incredibly awkward intervention, and we are SOLVING WORLD COMEDY.


Get the 4 HOUR POD AWFTER SHOW where Mersh fears PODAWFUL is behind this entire interview, and we try the James intervention again. $6 level: https://podawful.com/posts/2411

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQy2NMGfDpg 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #mersh #nightwaveradio

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF27.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 8:49pm EST

Comedian Patrice O'Neal was one of the greatest stand ups ever, and one of the best parts of the Opie And Anthony Radio Show. But there is a DARK open secret in the comedy community about Patrice that nobody seems to talk about. PODAWFUL calls into the Comedy Shaman to reveal the untold story about Patrice O'Neal's proclivities, and which black comics are on the downlow.

Comedy Shaman's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVBGgbQ5-fg


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPZPCt-2oiI 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop http://podawful.com

#podawful #patriceoneal #opieandanthony

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_H2BH_Comedy_Shaman.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 8:06pm EST

Turkey Tom carves up slices of himself as an offering of cringe for Thanksgiving. After being completely cucked by his girlfriend, Tom cut her name into his chest. Salvo and Podawful went Turkey hunting, and are serving up a Roast for dinner. After Keemstar's DM's were leaked, he needed a distraction that would shiled him and his Commentary Community friends from criticism. Thus the Lolcow Live podcast was born! How do you make Keemstar, Nicholas DeOrio, Turkey Tom, and the Indian call-scammer Mutahar look good? By comparing them to all 6 tons of Boogie2988, Wings Of Redemption, and Tommy C! The true "leftovers" of the internet. Now its the Lolcow Indians versus the Farmer Pilgrims, and PODAWFUL has managed to bring them both to the table to carve another slice of Turkey Tom.


PODCAST: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/pod...

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #turkeytom #keemstar

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF26.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:52pm EST

[3 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2407]

The Earth's Jokers are growing in numbers by the day. PPP, Tom Gulley, Mersh, even KEFFALS are now joining their ranks. It's time to look at PATIENT ZERO, Harlan Dale Absher AKA The Santa Cruz Joker, and figure out the symptoms to the terrible disease known as CLOWN SYNDROME? What drives a person to their "One Bad Day"? We investigate a brand new death threat Harlan has posted to PODAWFUL for any possible clues, and check out the new Santa Cruz Joker podcast to see what really makes Harlan tick.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHPOgegxvQ 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #santacruzjoker #joker

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF25_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:57pm EST

Former ARCH-ENEMIES are now teaming up to do a show TOGETHER. Tom Gulley is the man I believed had my Youtube Channel taken down, but now he has agreed to audition for the role of co-host of PODAWFUL. The only catch? THERE IS NO JOB. Tom and Jesse laugh about Mersh's dying moments, Mr. Spergers challenge to Tom, Steel Toe getting cucked, The Santa Cruz Joker trying to lure Gulley into the Legion Of Goon, the Comedy Shaman's Redbar reactions, and more! PLUS: Gulley News, Font Chat, and Tom's bizarre, star-studded episode of @The Tom Gulley Show that melted down into Tom talking to celebrities about psychedelic spiders. THIS IS THE BACKROOM CASTING COUCH OF PODCASTS.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHWFnz07BoQ 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #tomgulley #redbar

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF24.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:17pm EST

FRANK HASSLE IS HERE! Mersh nearly died on stream while smoking bones. He had a boneverdose. In a moment, I saw my whole podcast flash before my eyes. Apparently Mersh has been just inhaling toxic metals into his bloodstream for years now, but not to worry! he says it was actually GOOD that he had a mini stroke live on air. Oh and that it happens every day. Frank Hassle joins me to discuss Mersh's pathetic attempt to take him on a steak dinner, and Frank's future plans to HASSLE the Florida Panhandler. PLUS: British Mersh vs. Florida Mersh when Cog enters the arena for a BUM FIGHT! And Mini Manson's Awfulween Costume Contest prize!


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDfMTjadEZ0 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop http://podawful.com

#podawful #mersh #frankhassle

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF23.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:51am EST

We revisit Mersh's graveyard mouth in celebration of Dia De Los Muertos. Mersh seems to have forgotten why he took his chat off screen for two years, so we sent him a reminder once again while he was live on Nightwave. DEAD TOOTH. PLUS: ROTC's Rumble contract still up in the air, Mersh's trip to Vegas, the INSANE cat videos on The Bad Luck Boys channel gives me toxoplasmosis, Mersh lures in children on Halloween, wheelchair kids, Awfulween Costume Contest, a surprise visit from Mini Manson, and more.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6CVyTXcZT0 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook

MERCH: http://podawful.shop


#podawful #mersh #nightwaveradio

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF22.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:12pm EST

HAPPY AWFULWEEN! The girlfriend body count continues in this action, horror, thriller. After Ruphio Pheonix was last catfished by an OnlyFans girl, the vengeful gamer incel turns his blue glasses on a new Final Girl-- AVA.

Ava is a girl with a MYSTERIOUS past in one of the internet's most notorious shock sites, THE RED ROOMS. The DARK WEB's torture and slaughterhouse for camgirls. But Ava is not alone, also vying for Ruphio's love is her fellow Red Rooms survivor STELLA. When the Romanian gangs come looking for their prized e-girls, Ruphio is forced to make a WICKED choice. Is Ruphio's lovelife forever CURSED? Ruphio and Ava, haunted by the demonic forces of Pazuzu are forced to seek help from the twisted powers of a mystic NECROMANCER, and put a BLOODY end to the evil RED ROOMS.


UNCENSORED DIRECTOR'S CUT in the PIZZA FUND ($12 level): http://podawful.com/posts/2401 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww61KV5Jb-0 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#podawful #Halloween #Awfulween

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF21.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

A Redbar fan (an Adult Baby Diaper Lover) started messaging me a year ago, sending schizophrenic messages as if we were already in the middle of a conversation. Claiming he was friends with Mike David. Telling me he would be the next big thing in broadcasting. His name was Clay Combs, and I never responded to him. Well, I Gave It A Year™ and now Clay has his own podcast called The Comedy Shaman, and he is still obsessed with Redbar. Clay, like all Redbar fans, can't stand me because I helped expose that Mike David craps himself. We cover the Comedy Shaman's podcast, get an update on Steel Toe Morning Show going out of business, reveal our diaper delivery prank to the Redbar studio, and go over the HUNDREDS of unhinged messages Clay sent me about his e-daddy.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlUosS_3nWg 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #redbar #comedyshaman

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF20.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:06am EST

From SNL to SCP. KATTAN has been triangulated! I was sent DISTURBING FOOTAGE of the creature by two strange, demonic monks. They somehow located Kattan and went to his house to bless the cursed lands. Meanwhile, some Youtube nontent digital toilet named SSSniperWolf pulled up outside the house of another million-subs-no-ideas tubehead named Jacksfilms. According to the internet, this is BAD. So now I'm against this kind of thing in particular, and it is my job to keep Kattan SAFE & SECURE (so that he may be studied by science.) It turns out, these monks are part of the SSSniperWaffen, and the footage they managed to obtain of Kattan and his concubine will SHOCK and HORRIFY you!


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where go over even more SCP Goons in the $6 level: https://podawful.com/posts/2397 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAsMDmdX3uk 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #chriskattan #sssniperwolf 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF19.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:05pm EST

Zen Rhino has been cheating on Mersh with Steel Toe Morning Show. His fifteen bucks has been going in Aaron's collection plate. His lust has been going toward April's rack instead of Mersh's. And he has even been stealing content from Nightwave for them. I was never, ever, EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR gonna talk about these pathetic nothing freaks. I made a promise to never give them the time of day. But then Aaron Imholte committed an unforgivable sin against PODAWFUL. He stole a Goon. Not just any Goon either... MR. SPERGERS. In exchange for this CRIME I will be stealing something back from him. APRIL.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bziHXkAAIHg 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #steeltoe #aaronimholte 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF18.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:19pm EST

[2 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2393]

Since the beginning of time. Since the first gamer. There have always been incels. Ruphio Pheonix, the King of Gamers, has been plagued by a series of catfish girlfriends. Many times it has seemed like the Pod Awful Cult itself was behind them, but when Ruphio showed up with a brand new girlfriend named Barbie, one that nobody from the Cult had ever heard of, everything changed. Suddenly Ruphio had been whisked away by a mysterious, gorgeous woman who seemed perfectly packaged for Ruphio. She even came with accessories, like her best friend Megan. It all seemed too suspicious, so PODAWFUL spent MONTHS attempting to save Ruphio from the catfish while she drained his bank account. Can the Cult stop Ruphio before his new blond bombshell blows up in his face?

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lFw-twGMBY 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop    


#podawful #ruphiopheonix #catfish

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF17_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:23pm EST

[2+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/22391]

THE WORST PODCAST THAT HAS EVER EXISTED. It shouldn't be possible. The five top hosts in Late Nite TV, the five men who speak to audiences of millions on legacy media... the five... white guys. Thanks to the WGA Writer's Strike and their own refusal to pay their employees, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, and the insufferable John Oliver have come together to create the unfunniest, most unlistenable trainwreck of a Zoom-call-with-your-uncle-style podcast to ever be recorded. And its all a huge grift. Amazingly, despite these huge names all being on board, the STRIKE FORCE FIVE podcast has very little attention on it, and that may have something to do with the news hit-piece done on Jimmy Fallon by Rolling Stone Magazine just a week after it premiered. It's CRINGE, it's FRINGE, it's GROAN-WORTHY... can you SURVIVE IT?

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpdDfYIBSv8 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #latenight #jimmyfallon 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF16_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:24am EST

For decades cryptozoologists have been studying and tracking strange beasts looking for any proof that creatures such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, or The Mothman actually exist. Yet, Chris Kattan has been openly plaguing and terrorizing the public for over 20 years without capture. Now the comedy cryptid has attempted to feast upon the flesh of Youtube, horrifying onlookers with his gangly arms, his pulsating hunchback, and his gnashing teeth. In this episode we follow the Special Containment Procedures to study the KATTAN in his habitat, investigate mummified Mexican Aliens, revisit the anomaly Mr. Spergers in his filthy hovel, speak to Peter Caine about his frozen Bigfoot, and uncover a shocking secret about the Detroit BLACK NEWS Team.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61rRoSgmqBQ 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #SCP #Kattan

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF15.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:22pm EST

[1.5 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.com/posts/2386]

The most NOTORIOUS predator online. The internet's most disturbed user. A man of PARANORMAL CRIMES so severe we can't list them on Youtube. For years authorities only knew him by the name "KLAM KING," but the POD AWFUL CULT has unswirled the mystery once and for all. Klam King was unmasked on a livestream for all to see, and the second he was cornered, he tried to turn the tables on his pursuers by HACKING their computers. Will PODAWFUL be FULL BLOWN PWNED?

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Runvb92uRdQ 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #mrswirl #predator

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF14_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:22pm EST

Friend of the show Steve Smash Mouth passed away and I just wanna pay a little tribute to him.


PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #allstar #smashmouth

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_RIPSmashMouth.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:13am EST

Ethan Ralph claims to be "sober as a judge." "OBJECTION!" screamed the entire internet. After Mr. Metokur's New Skeleton Bone Drive Stream, I joined Ethan in a Twitter Space and the results were a bit disastrous. As a small-town Pizza Lawyer, and someone who has never had a drop of the drink, it's not really my place to re-litigate this whole issue. Speaking of litigious, Gabe Hoffman shows up to theorize that Ethan has had a stroke. So I leave it to the court of public opinion on whether or not Ethan is truly sober or not. We play the evidence, hear the testimonies (poetry by Metokur and Alex Stein), bring in my Mexican doctor as an expert witness, and during recess get confronted by an INSANE JAN 6 TRUTHER. When the defense rests it's time to declare: TOTAL SEKTUR DEATH.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBxGI--CtRI 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #ethanralph #metokur

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF13.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:25am EST

THIS IS NOT A DRAMA CHANNEL. We've somehow traveled back in time to 2018, and Maddox has released a brand new video. I haven't talked to Maddox in lord knows how long, but the madman did what every other Youtuber is too chicken to do. Put out a video EXPOSING HIS WHANG. Sorry, I mean put out a video exposing Justin Whang. I called out Whang years ago for being a hack and the WORST type of Youtuber, a professional "Wikipedia Reader." Now Maddox is adding PLAGIARISM to Justin's list of crimes. But much more shocking than that, midway through the exposé this video takes a SHOCKING TWIST, revealing more nefarious schemes Whang was inserting himself into that will leave you GULPING.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsGHkieLoqU 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #maddox #whang

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF12.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:02pm EST

[5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2372]

Two years ago the Pod Awful Youtube channel was falsely reported and terminated by some mysterious MONSTER. As the dust settled, most people assumed Tom Gulley, a REAL RADIO MAN, was behind it all. Tom made it easy to believe he was the villain, inviting the torches and pitchforks of the PODAWFUL Cult. But then, suddenly, Tom disappeared from the internet. Now he's back from the dead, and in an effort to make peace, Jesse chose to forgive Tom and make friends. Tom pleaded his case that he had nothing to do with the channel's termination, and after an EIGHT HOUR LONG stream together, Tom and Jesse seemed to have finally buried the hatchet. But the peace would be short lived, because Jesse's wife now suspects that Tom's gotten a little TOO close, and now after a big fight and a phone call to Tom's brother, PODAWFUl is in danger of being thrown in the lake once again.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkcjGLQ8hsk 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #tomgulley #jesseps

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF11_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:40pm EST

PORSALIN is here! It's finally August, so you know what that means! MERSH from Nightwave Radio and Revenge Of The Cis promised that by August NOBODY would be able to call him fat anymore. Not Gavin McInnes, not Ryan Katsu Rivera, not Podawful. NOBODY. Of course, that was two Augusts ago. Surely by now Mersh has lost so much weight he now exists in the NEGA-ZONE where up is down and eyes are crossed. 5 months ago Jesse entered into a one sided competition with Mersh to see who could lose more weight and finally be RIPPED. Well, the results are in! We are joined by Ryan and Mister Metokur to celebrate Mersh's KRANG showing up in all its full-frontal glory on Rumble, and even dunk on Mersh's producer Frozen Asian. PLUS: Giving Royce body dysmorphia.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oqo342Y75Ds 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #mersh #porsalin

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF10.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:21pm EST

[5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2372]

Two years ago the Pod Awful Youtube channel was falsely reported and terminated by some mysterious MONSTER. As the dust settled, most people assumed Tom Gulley, a REAL RADIO MAN, was behind it all. Tom made it easy to believe he was the villain, inviting the torches and pitchforks of the PODAWFUL Cult. But then, suddenly, Tom disappeared from the internet. Now he's back from the dead, and in an effort to make peace, Jesse chose to forgive Tom and make friends. Tom pleaded his case that he had nothing to do with the channel's termination, and after an EIGHT HOUR LONG stream together, Tom and Jesse seemed to have finally buried the hatchet. But the peace would be short lived, because Jesse's wife now suspects that Tom's gotten a little TOO close, and now after a big fight and a phone call to Tom's brother, PODAWFUl is in danger of being thrown in the lake once again.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=las_vJts05s 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop    


#podawful #tomgulley #jesseps

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF9_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:01pm EST

Hey Squirt Crew! The debate has raged on since "Baby Yoda" was introduced to us in The Mandalorian. Star Wars fans everywhere have theorized where Grogu came from. Well, now that Season 3 has wrapped up, we think we know the answer! We are joined by the boys from iVicious Entertainment, RUPHIO PHEONIX and his brother-in-arms FALLEN REAPER to debate Din Grogu's origins! Are Master Yoda and Yaddle really his parents? Or could DARTH PLAGUEIS be invlolved??? Also, did Ruphio roofie-oh his best friend and execute Order 69?


1.5+ HOUR LONG POD AWFTER SHOW IN THE PIZZA FUND! Ruphio falls for one of the girls in the Nerd Squirt crew: http://podawful.pizza/2371 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLRctHyEgI0 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#starwars #yoda #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF8.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:00am EST

I'm always getting chirped at by PC guys for using Apple. For the past 13 years the only tech help I've ever gotten from anyone online is "Stop using Mac." Usually the redditor telling me that is saying it while replacing his entire motherboard for the 30th time because it can't power all his RAINBOW LIGHTS properly and still ray trace Solid Snake's bunghole properly. It finally occurred to me though. I've been a BIGOT to these BRAVE people the whole time! It's time to heal relations between the Straight (Apple) community and the RGBTQ+ community. While Linus Tech Tips learns what a Hard R is (turns out, it isn't Marques Brownlee), I talk to James from the Pod Awful Cult about his tech-ual orientation. Big thanks to Emily from LTT for teaching me that the REAL Tech Tip was estrogen this whole time.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFven3NyHAc 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #pride #linustechtips

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF7.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

JODY PLAUCHÉ IS HERE! Happy Daddy's Day to the internet's hero, the human cure to child prdators Gary Plauché. I interview Gary's son Jody about his story. The internet's fever pitch, ravenous hunt for the heads of preds has got me thinking though... is everyone online actually a paranormal guy? Vito Gesualdi has become the face of the internet's hatred of chomo's, but it seems like its all based on some extremely bad jokes. We investigate Vito's proclivities, probe Jody's brain (consensually) about the subject, watch Alex Stein grill Vito, call my dad for his expertise, and discover something hilarious that happened when my friend Ryan Katsu Rivera met Vito and Dick Masterson. And it all culminates in a SECRET RECORDING Jesse got of Vito admitting to something SHOCKING backstage of Salvopancake's Fireball event. Does Vito deserve the B to the back of his H? Who is the Biggest Vitophile in the Universe? STICK AROUND AND FIND OUT!


Vito shows up and talks to the Pod Awful Cult in the POD AWFTER SHOW! Get it only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.com/posts/2363 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXHG8w4owJ0 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #vito #biggestproblem

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF6.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:29pm EST

[5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2360]

HAPPY PRIDE! Alex Stein has taken Steven Crowder's Princess Crown as the new closeted conservative darling of the internet! He's on Crowder's old network The Blaze, he's pushing the right wing grift, and most of all he's constantly dressing in drag to TOTALLY OWN THE LIBS. But what is the one secret Alex has under his belt (other than the pickle stuffing) that Crowder DOESN'T have? LOUD = FUNNY! And Alex has never been louder than when Brittany Venti embarrassed him in front of his friends Chrissie Mayr, Ethan Van Sciver, and The JACK Show. In this TWO PART EPISODE we go over the entire aftermath that PODAWFUL caused. PLUS: Alex Stein got trolled so hard by PODAWFUL while on Fishtank that Jesse got banned from the show. WATCH IT. JUST WATCH IT. Alex and Steven are out, they're PROUD, and they are LOUD.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3D5zFb6-HU

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord  

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter  

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram  

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop  


#podawful #alexstein #crowder

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF5_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:54am EST

Alex Stein has received his JACK MURPHY moment at the hands of the Queen Of Trolls, Brittany Venti. Ironically, Jack Murphy melted down on the You Are Here podcast, and now Alex has stolen that Youtube Channel. Through chaos magic, Jesse found himself on the MK Ultra Money podcast with Brittany, and managed to plant the seed in her head that Alex himself is a drag queen. The next Day, thanks to the evil machinations of Deer God, Venti and Stein ended up on t he Chrissie Mayr podcast together and ALL JEWISH HEAVEN BROKE LOOSE. Now the internet is in a furor, many realizing Alex might be a little more than a grifter, many others mad that brittany was being puppeteered by Pod Awful. As Alex accepts his new pronouns, his simps come to the rescue to stop their Queen from being Dragged!


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K97__yCKK0s 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #alexstein #brittanyventi

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Alex_Stein_LATED-_POD_AWFUL_PODCAST_LF4.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 8:10pm EST

THIS BLIMP IS ABOUT TO CRASH. Alex Stein's new show on The Blaze called "Prime Time With Alex Stein" was a failure at launch. First, he steals Elijah Schaffer and Sydney Watson's old You Are Here podcast channel. Then Alex gets caught in 4K signaling to the shadowy elite that he's ready to do ANYTHING for fame by wearing child-leather red shoes. But the absolute WORST part of it all? The show itself, and Alex's FRINGE-inducing attempts at comedy. I tried watching every episode and took notes so that you don't have to. Gavin McInnes calls it "corny!" Brittany Venti says Alex has "crossed the line of satire." And Michael Malice says they are both... (I'm quoting here) "Jewish." What happens when a Blaze meets a Pimp on a Blimp? OH THE HUMANITY!


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where watch Mersh's embarrassing Dating Game fiasco set up by Alex only in the PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.pizza/posts/2349 

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULj5fwDdNZw 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee     

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #alexstein #blaze 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF3.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:20pm EST

[4 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2347]

"Caller" Mike "Check Bio" Mersh and his wife Royce Lopez are on a mission to make Revenge Of The Cis the most famous it has ever been. It's time to GO HOLLYWOOD, BABY! First stop? Texas... for some reason. The boys boys boys prove everything is bigger in the Lone Star state when they appear with Alex Stein, Alex Rosen, and Alex Jones in a series of embarrassing misadventures on a failing quest for right-wing fame. Watch as Mersh clams up on Sara Gonzales's The News And Why It Matters while Royce horns up over Sara. Experience second hand cringe as Mersh forces Alex Rosen to make him the star of a predator catcher video in some sort of bizarre humiliation ritual. Enjoy the struggle session in the car ride back home as Royce and Mersh commiserate over the trolls body shaming them. DON'T JESS WITH TEXAS!

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvvggiJ9y60 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #mersh #revengeofthecis

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF2_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:38am EST

A FOOD MYSTERY: MERSH promised to be "ripped by August" about, oh, two Augusts ago. Unbeknownst to him, he's been in a weight loss battle with Jesse ever since. It took over a year, but Jesse is finally --almost-- as fat as Mersh, and is now in the actual "losing weight" portion of the contest. Well now Mersh is mad because Jesse has been using underhanded tactics to win. For over a year the Pod Awful Cult has been sending Mersh coleslaw, pizzas, and pickles to keep him fat. Well now DETECTIVE MERSH is calling his cop and lawyer buddies and is threatening to start the next LOLSUIT with the help of Alex Stein! Can a lawsuit stop the deliveries, or will Mersh shoot himself in the foot enforcement style? TINK TINK TINK.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbX2Ewqzi70 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#mersh #nightwave #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF1.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:33pm EST

Kyle Cease AKA "Kid Comedy" is a former comedian turned motivational speaker with a long history dealing with Pod Awful. Last time he got heckled, Kyle nearly got the Pod Awful Youtube channel terminated, but Jesse was saved last second by the kahunavirus. Now, out of nowhere, years later, Kyle has come hitting the Henchmen who reuploaded his METOO APOLOGY VIDEO with copyright takedown notices. The henchmen TRIANGULATE in on Kyle Cease as he tries to rewrite the narrative on abusing the women who go to his events. It's Cult versus Cult, and Kyle claims he actually somehow STARTED THE WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC!

Get the full, unedited stream on the PIzza Fund: http://podawful.pizza

Edit By Angie.


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/n4ioabPdvLg

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#podawful #KyleCease #MeToo

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_LF0.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:37pm EST

THE MOST EXPENSIVE EPISODE OF POD AWFUL EVER! The Santa Cruz Joker, seemingly at random, has agreed to an interview after years of me never asking for one or even wanting it. There's just one small catch-- he wants to be paid $50,000 for it. After spending the past three months taunting me, begging me to come to his house and beat him up, complaining about it when I did, lying about breaking his scooters, and laughing at me for having cancer, I figured... eh, why not? In this interview we reveal all of the Joker's past crimes and confesions, his "Do you send?" debacle with kids on instagram, the roofie incident at the Blue Lagoon, the fights, the bread, who is the real Santa Cruz Batman, and much much more.


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cg4BXJcfio 

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord   

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter   

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram   

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook  

MERCH: http://podawful.shop   


#santacruzjoker #interview #podawful 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF57.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 5:07pm EST

Usually, big fat Ethan Ralph APPRECIATES getting extra servings, but for some reason when the POD AWFUL CULT showed up to RALPHAMANIA, he wasn't so hungry anymore. The HENCHMEN infiltrate the event to record all the ridiculous shenanigans. SEE Ethan's heigh get measured! SEE absolutely terrible wrestling! SEE Chaggot pick his scabs! SEE a mystery wedding cake get eaten by Dick Masterson and Ethan! SEE why they call Jesse P-S the PODFATHER! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jxVbOQriDHc

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#ethanralph #ralphamania #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF56.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:26pm EST

A Pod Awful Christmas Miracle! The old Miser Mersh gets his heart warmed and his wallet emptied when the Pod Awful Cult pulls a Yuletide prank, and signs him up to send hundreds of registered offenders and caged ladies Christmas cards! Meanwhile, crotchety Ruphio Phenoix is visited by three Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Present, and Future to warn him that his newest girlfriends, Barbie and Megan, are just catfish too.


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/wSE95T-f5wo

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#mersh #prank #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF55.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:56pm EST

[3+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2315]

Alex Stein denied having an affair with Marjorie Taylor Greene, and claimed I fabricated evidence of him admitting to the rendezvous. Now I know why! There is a phenomenon with podcasters and streamers I have been noticing for a long time now. They all go for MUCH younger, blonde, baby-faced, LOLI-STYLE girls that they then bring on to their podcast to annoy their audience. A "Jules," if you will. This phenomenon is known as a KID SISTER. Alex Stein now has his own Kid Sister girlfriend, Paige Wallace. And over on his backup, backup channel @PrimeTimeStein , he's now forcing her at GUNT-POINT to do a podcast with him. Alex LIES about his "Early Life Check," RUNS from the truth about MTG, and PARADES his little Ghost Girlfriend for his viewers. PLUS: Ruphio Pheonix is exposed by Project Veritas, and Kid Sister tells the story of how her grandpa became a taco.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Vm4DqmEb5x4

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#alexstein #marjorietaylorgreene #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF54.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:57am EST

ALEX STEIN the spineless has LOST HIS CHANCE TO INTERVIEW YE! After one of the most insane weeks ever, including the artist formerly known as Kanye West appeared on Tim Pool and Alex Jones, and after Alex Stein got PICKLED by the Pod Awful Cult while at Tim's house, it's all capped off with an EXPLOSIVE KILLSTREAM! Jesse leaked Bonked Nebraska's tests with Alex Stein confirming that Alex laid down dirty with the American Gargoyle Marjorie Taylor Greene, costing Jesse his friendship with YOBA. Ethan Ralph brings on Laura Loomer to talk about this insanity, and Baked, Beardson, Ali Alexander, and more show up. When Alex finally calls in, through the MACHINATIONS of Pod Awful, the Groypers have turned on him, and his upcoming big break gets CANCELED LIVE! Jesse leaks even more text messages from Alex, while his friends Ryan Katsu Rivera and Gavin McInnes go secretly interview Ye.


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/LYTFNFPGCu4

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#alexstein #ethanralph #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF53.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:26pm EST

THE SPINELESS @AlexStein99 appeared on Tim Pool's podcast @TimcastIRL and received a few orders of pickles DoorDashed to him. Alex finally accepts that Jesse P-S is his master, Pod Awful is the king of trolls, and swallows the PICKLEPILL in humiliation on video. Jesse appeared on B**ED A**SKA's podcast YOBACAST for an episode of H2BH The Show, and they trashed Alex for the entire show. They even make the NEWS when they reveal that ALEX STEIN SLEPT WITH MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE WHILE SHE WAS STILL MARRIED! See the full episode in the Pizza Fund!

GET THE H2BH THE SHOW: YOBACAST ON THE PIZZA FUND: https://podawful.pizza/posts/2310 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Zf8m8q6s6ig


PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#alexstein #marjorietaylorgreene #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Alex_Stein_Swallows_Pickle.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

PORSALIN is here! Mersh talked up a BIG GAME when he was featured in the trailer for the new Peacock documentary "Dangerous Breed" about wrestler and potential murderer Teddy Hart. He went on Nightwave Radio PEACOCKING about how he was going to be famous now, and that the haters have memed "Hollywood Mersh" into reality. Well, Jesse invented the term Hollywood Mersh, and it's time to bring Mersh back down to reality. Jesse and Porsalin go over the entire Teddy hart doc for you for FREE, so you don't gotta suck Peacock, and reveal EXACTLY HOW MUCH of this doc Mersh actually appears in. Hollywood comes crashing down, and a new meme is born... SPINSTER MERSH.


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/y99_mY8bsy4

PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

RSS FEED: http://podawful.com/rss 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD CULT: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: http://podawful.com/dlive 

ODYSEE: http://podawful.com/odysee 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#mersh #teddyhart #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF52.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:34am EST

The Nightwave Fan account on Twitter that everyone assumed WAS Mersh has been revealed to be a PARANORMAL GUY! And not just ANY kiddie diddler. One that Pod Awful knows all too well. One that Pod Awful has sent to prison before! And one that Pod Awful is about to send to prison AGAIN! Goontanamo Bay has a nice cell waiting for yet another chomo that Mersh has turned a crossed blind eye to. PLUS: Nathan Larson is dead.


Get all the PEDO FILES in the Pizza Fund! https://podawful.pizza 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/io7zWV4ql_k

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#mersh #nightwave #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF51.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:30pm EST

HAPPY AWFULWEEN! A simple game of TRUTH OR DARE on Discord sends INCEL GAMER RUPHIO PHEONIX on a HORROR ROLLERCOASTER RIDE! Ruphio has been e-dating a Catfish Called WANDA for only a few days when another Discord user, Jay Bailey, becomes OBSESSED with her... and will get her at ANY cost! Jay stalks Wanda to her home, assaults her, puts her in a vehicular trunk and BURIES HER ALIVE all in real-time and right before Ruphio's Blue-Glasses covered eyes! Can Ruphio save his true love? Can Wanda Kill Bill her way out? Does SHE LIVE? Viewer beware, you're in for a scare. The TRICK is the treat!


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW with the big RUPHIO REVEAL only in the PIZZA FUND! https://podawful.pizza/posts/2296 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/UegLfYp6Tmg 

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#catfish #incel #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF50.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 10:46am EST

The Pickle Always Wins.


RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#kinocasino #andywarski #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: HOME_OF_THE_NEW_KINO_CASINO_With_Andy_Warski_And_Jesse_P-S.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:57am EST

I was right! Mike David from Redbar is a poopoopants and Jules Felcher is his cleanup crew! His buddy Sven Stoffels tells all! From the original video by Lossless:

"Mike David's only best friend Sven Stoffels opens up about their relationship and Redbar Radio. He divulges his true feelings about his guest appearance, the current state of the show, Mike as a person, Salvopancakes, Mike's fandom of Ethan Klein H3H3 podcast, and makes some bold claims regarding behind-the-scenes interactions. This was an amazing impromptu interview full of gems. Enjoy.

If this video is deleted then everything is true."

Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Wapu1WnIY 


Want to see more Pod Awful? Join THE PIZZA FUND! http://podawful.pizza 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/BBovq-N3q0Y 

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#Redbar #MikeDavid #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF49.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:44am EST

No Spine Alex Stein got his invertebrate body bent out of shape after Jesse posted a video about Alex's actual SCH**L SH**TER grandma. Now the Troll King is flailing around trying to figure out how to stop the POD AWFUL CULT from wreaking MAYHEM on his life. Well what does any Stein do when pressed? TIME TO GET LITIGIOUS! Alex is now initiating THE LOLSUIT 2 all because of a Twitter account impersonating him. He is not only threatening Jesse with a lawsuit for a problem solved by hitting "report" on Twitter, he also threatened to send a BOUNTY HUNTER after Jesse's parents! There's just one problem, of course... Jesse didn't make the fake Alex Stein Twitter account. But now a whole lot more people are! Davey Crocko covers Pod Awful's Primetime Feud and the Cassady Campbell conspiracy, the number of Youtube streams we are banned from goes from 109 to 110, and while the moon base is under attack, Jesse gets a surprise visit from Renin! Remember, when you live in The Glass House, don't throw Steins.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where Jesse goes on Davey Crocko's stream to talk about Alex Stein, and confronts Davey about his nose candy! Only in the PIZZA FUND! https://podawful.pizza 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/ub0MyetGMZA

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#AlexStein #Lawtube #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF48.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

Alex Stein FEARS Pod Awful. Somehow the internet has been fooled into thinking that yelling at a Latina that her butt is big is an epic troll move instead of just what every construction worker in New York has done during his lunch break for the past 100 years. Alex Stein tells AOC she's got a nice dumper and now he's been crowned KING TROLL. Little do they know, Primetime #99 has secretly, behind the scenes, been doing everything he can to avoid getting trolled by Pod Awful, ever since I first appeared on Conspiracy Castle! We cover Alex's Trust Fund lifestyle, his TERRIBLE standup, his first desperate shot at fame by being the "Best Villain in Reality TV History," his FAKING protesters at events, getting PICKLED by Pod Awful at every turn, and a CONSPIRACY that Alex is now trying everything in his power to cover up. Welcome to being a Goon. Always on the whine, Got no spine, Alex Stein.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we re-evaluate Alex's Goon Ranking and play a STEIN video so cringe I couldn't play it publicly. Too mean! Only in the PIZZA FUND! https://podawful.pizza/posts/2248 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/0VZjxN__mMI

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#AlexStein #AOC #podawful 

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF47.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:22pm EST

Robert Crimo III, AKA Awake The Rapper, is a pinhead mass shooter who ruined the 4th Of July Day Parade in Highland Park for all the grandmas and grandpas. It is also very possible he edits videos for Sam Hyde, we are still investigating this. Here at The Awful Factor, we condemn gun violence of any kind against white people. With a new shooter every week, we need to get to the bottom of what is causing our youth to become terrorists. The answer isn't guns, obviously, and it's not Big Pharma. The real culprit is ROCK AND ROLL. Crimo carried out this attack on America after being inspired by controversial shock rocker and entertainer MINI MANSON. The Factor welcomes on Mini Manson, his record producer Scott Branson, conservative pundit and bounty hunter James Soren Stone, and MASTER TROLL Alex Stein to calmly discuss this serious issue.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we watch Renin The Brony Bounty Hunter completely DEVOLVE after finding out about Pod Awful. Only in the PIZZA FUND! https://podawful.pizza/posts/2242 

PODCAST: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/podawful/Pod_Awful_DF46.mp3 

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#HighlandPark #AlexStein #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF46.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:01pm EST

[2 HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2240]

Jarrette and Renin are a legendary Dynamic Duo. They are best friends, autistic heroes, and cigarette reviewers. Jarrette is also the world's greatest dirty rapper (known as Ja Crispy), and a world class metal singer. Renin is a police officer, hacker, spyninja, fire alarm enthusiast... and BOUNTY HUNTER. Oh, also he's a Brony. Together they are great Youtubers, and in a scheme to get more subs, Renin has agreed to taser himself in an epic stunt. Should be simple enough for a bounty hunter to pull off, but when we got him over 100 new subscribers, Renin tried to pull a fast one on us. HE TASER SCAMMED US. Now Ja Crispy is teaming up with Pod Awful to bounty hunt the bounty hunter, and call him out on his CRIMES. PLUS: James Soren Stone has secretly been training to become a Mandalorian himself. Oh also, somehow Mini Manson showed up for the PREVIEW VERSION of the show.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/G7a9nTA8ef0

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#JaCrispy #BountyHunter #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF45_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

Nick Fuentes has personally greenlit Pod Awful to be the newest show on Cozy.tv! I'm now coworkers with Anthony Cumia, Baked Alaska, Alex Jones, Ethan Ralph, and also some guy who wears a fake beard. In honor of my new AMERICA FIRST boss, I decided to have a nice relaxed stream for Independence Day. We watch as my former co-host Matt Jarbo breaks up with me in a cringe inducing crying video, check in with the most American guy I know, Michael Wright from Australia, do some America-themed movie reviews, and even get a visit from Poodles. PLUS: My dad create's the internet's newest TikTok Challenge, and I unveil a brand new GOON.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where we watch the greatest DIRTY rapper in the world, and Mini Manson sends his PRANK ARMY after a streamer. Only in the PIZZA FUND! https://podawful.pizza/posts/2239 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/oigkGsxEfFw

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#MattJarbo #NickFuentes #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF44.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

[3.5+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2227]

THE LIQUID BURGER CHALLENGE IS ON! Mr. Burgers has chickened out permanently on the only contest guaranteed to allow him to keep the Burger Crown. Or has he? The autism meets the slawtism when Mr. Burgers Express celebrates his birthday and the Pod Awful Cult shows up with presents. And the entire time, he has no idea, he has been talking to Jesse, the Liquid Mr. Burgers, for WEEKS. Now everyone is taking the #LiquidBurgerChallenge and blending those burgers for the title. WHO WILL BE CROWNED BURGER KING? WHO WILL BE LEFT JACK-IN-THE-BOX OF ALL TRADES, MASTER OF BUN? PLUS: Santa Cruz Joker breadening updates, and the war between the Clown Prince of Santa Cruz and the Burger King of California.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/uqXAc2JOk8c

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#MrBurgers #LiquidBurgerChallenge #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF43_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 9:21pm EST

Santa Cruz Joker has spent YEARS challenging me to FIND HIM and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. He must be a gluten for punishment, because you'd think getting hit in the face by a homeless loaf on his own livestream, and then being publicly outed as a BREADOPHILE would be enough. Guess not. Harlan has evaded capture long enough. Goontanamo Bay awaits him. Through sheer tyranny of will, and also a ridiculous Facebook Marketplace post for a scooter with flattened wheels, the Pod Awful Cult has tracked down this painted fugitive, and served him up a plate of never-ending-breadsticks justice. We are bringing Bread & Circuses to the Clown Of Santa Cruz. "Do you send?" Yeah, and so does DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Postmates.


Get the POD AWFTER SHOW where the REAL Hard Ray meets the FAKE Hard Ray in the PIZZA FUND! Dregs Of Society Level: https://podawful.pizza/posts/2232 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/1xLHdtflXRE

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter 

INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: http://podawful.com/facebook 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop 


#SantaCruzJoker #Prank #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF42.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 1:37pm EST

[2+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. https://podawful.pizza/posts/2227]

I'm secretly a bit of a feeder. Mersh from @Nightwave Radio claimed he'd stop being fat "by August." I made it my life's mission to get just as fat as Mersh, AND lose all that weight before he could. Seemed simple enough but now I'm stuck with a few problems. Number one, I am the fattest I have ever been. Number two, I'm STILL not as fat as Mersh. And Number three, Mersh is now claiming to have already lost 30 lbs, which is as much as I have gained! I've resorted to cheating. I've been feeding Mersh coleslaw and pizza to try to offset things, but it's not enough. Time to call in the BIG GUNS of deliveries. I have delivered to Mersh, ONE ACTUAL TON OF CONCRETE. Now he's gotta lose 2000 lbs by August, and I've got to gain it. We hit a few snags though with our cement delivery, and who better to fix things than the newest initiate to the Freemasons, Mini Manson?

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#Mersh #NightwaveRadio #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF41_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

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