PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

For the past week I've been helping to build and organize a brand new website and Pizza Fund for Pod Awful, so I thought I'd show off the new features and enjoy a relaxed stream watching the Santa Cruz Joker... then Mini Manson showed up. Harlan is angry at the Pod Awful Cult for exposing his paranormal activities, and spent an entire stream bitching about us, and revealing even more horrible details about his life. Turns out those gloves weren't just for pee pee. And just when I think the show is over, Mini Manson has a Mega Meltdown, and turns the show into tech support from Hell. But, hey, it ends with a song!

Support the show and get premium content. JOIN THE PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza 

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/RmrzGwbEuXY

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful​ 

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube 

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord 

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard 

INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/podawful 

TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/podawful​ 

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful​ 

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8 

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawfultv 

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult​ 

MERCH: http://podawful.shop​ 


#SantaCruzJoker #MiniManson #PodAwful

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF39.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:25pm EST

[3+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. http://podawful.pizza]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERSH! Tha Boyz from Revenge Of The Cis are headed to New York City to celebrate Mersh's White Girl Birthday Week. Unfortunately for Mersh, Pod Awful has tagged along. Mersh has his Nightwave Radio audience convinced he's a mafia don, and when the ROTC "On The Road" show from an Airbnb ended by cutting to black, the butt huffers all assumed the Heroes Of The Couch Emporium had been taken down by the FEDS and SWATTED. Well it wasn't the Feds, it was Uber Eats with a nice SLAWTISTIC order of coleslaw for the birthday boy. With Slaw Enforcement hot on his tail, Mersh ran to another hide out, but exposed that he isn't the King of New York... he's the Queen of Newark. The unluckiest lolcow on earth get's the worst present ever on his Friday The 13th birthday from the Pod Awful Cult. And he managed to get dropped by both his cat Louie, and LUis J. Gomez! PLUS: The Santa Cruz Joker gets his own SLAWBOMBING... with a twist. Cue "Don't Stop Believing."

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/JC8phyATb04

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful​

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/podawful

TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/podawful​

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful​

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawfultv

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult​

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord​

MERCH: http://podawful.shop​


#Mersh #RevengeoftheCis #podawful

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF38_Pizza_Fund.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:57pm EST


Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF37.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 8:29pm EST

[2+ HOUR LONG SHOW! JOIN THE PIZZA FUND! $12 level. http://podawful.pizza]

Prisondude falsely DMCA'd my episode about him, claiming that using his content is "illegal, plain and simple." Well, what are you gonna do about it? ARREST ME? Sorry, but in the bighouse that makes you a SNITCH, and snitches get stitches. So it's time to make PRISONDUDE PAY. I've found ALL his content, and I mean everything. A deep dive down the rabbithole into the Dark Web of Prisondude content, and I'm gonna play it ALL. And its in the Pizza Fund so you can't do anything about it! You WILL call me Warden, because now, you're my PrisonBITCH.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/NHSZcTflZMw

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful​

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/podawful

TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/podawful​

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful​

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawfultv

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult​

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord​

MERCH: http://podawful.shop​


#DMCA #Prisondude #podawful

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF36_PIZZA_FUND.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 6:30pm EST

The Onion created one of my favorite comedy sketches of all time. The premise is an autistic reporter covers a story in a jail, and falls in love with the routine and security of imprisonment. What if that sketch were real? Well, now it is. I bought a prison, and I happen to have found the most willing AuGold inmate of all time. Introducing our new GOON, Prisondude. Like the name implies, Prisondude is hyper-obsessed with just one thing, being locked up in jail. The only problem is he isn't willing to commit a crime to go there. I have offered Prisondude a secure, 5 Star, luxury stay in my brand new, run-down, former Maximum-security Federal Prison, and it's time to take him on a virtual tour! Soon to be home to many of our Goons committing CRIMES, including one who has been outed as a PARANORMAL GUY.

Get the POD AWFTER SHOW with bonus Prisondude footage, prank calls to Alec Baldwin, and more! $6 level. http://podawful.pizza

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/AjlKtwbpci4

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful​

YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube

DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard

INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/podawful

TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/podawful​

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/PodAwful​

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@podawful:8

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/podawfultv

CULT: http://podawful.com/cult​

MERCH: http://podawful.shop​


#Prison #Prisondude #PodAwful

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF35.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 4:31pm EST