PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

PODAWFUL™ is a hot beef, Inkjet Injektion of information superhighway new-age sewage. It's a crossover event between the internet & reality. Graffiti on the brick wall of a dark digital alleyway. A cyber AR-15 you stick inside your gaping mouth and pull the trigger to feel HAPPY. An act of Modem Warfare against a Plastic Modern Hell Culture. PODAWFUL™ is Internet Television. A true CULT COMEDY filled with criminal sociopath henchmen who value laughs more than life. SICK FREAKS, lab-grown to never touch grass. An INFOWARP, PROJECT JKULTRA, Asbestos Simulator powered by crime. A Hi-Tek/Lowbrow, mentally-ill pseudo-cyber-nostalgia where the stench of hyper-current network solutions meets the DARK FUTURE®. PODAWFUL™ is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S. (H2BH) PODAWFUL WILL SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.

I was right! Mike David from Redbar is a poopoopants and Jules Felcher is his cleanup crew! His buddy Sven Stoffels tells all! From the original video by Lossless:

"Mike David's only best friend Sven Stoffels opens up about their relationship and Redbar Radio. He divulges his true feelings about his guest appearance, the current state of the show, Mike as a person, Salvopancakes, Mike's fandom of Ethan Klein H3H3 podcast, and makes some bold claims regarding behind-the-scenes interactions. This was an amazing impromptu interview full of gems. Enjoy.

If this video is deleted then everything is true."

Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Wapu1WnIY 


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#Redbar #MikeDavid #podawful

Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S

Direct download: Pod_Awful_DF49.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 2:44am EST