Mon, 27 January 2014
JON HEFFLEY is here! SEASON 7 kicks off with an extremely cringe-worthy show. Jon's dad and girlfriend call in, which leads to a VERY embarrassing fact about Jon being revealed. Also, his views on God being a dream, Ancient Aliens being real, and "facts" about the 9/11 Conspiracy.
It all ends with a call from God himself and a prank call to a prayer hotline. You will not believe the insanity that is Jon Heffley.
Thu, 23 January 2014
CRAIGSLIST ROULETTE! Prank calls galore, and some of the best bits yet! A Spanish guitarist wants his kid humiliated, a woman will pay food stamps for her puppy, and a music lover wants Rhythm by Sound Machine. Also, Jesse gets scolded by a woman for teaching a kid about beastiality.
Tue, 21 January 2014
My favorite episode from last season. Enjoy it again or for the first time!
Direct download: Craigslist_Roulette_-_Prank_Calls_-_Ep._620.mp3
Category:Comedy -- posted at: 12:44pm EST
Fri, 17 January 2014
Thanks to everyone who got us in the top 100 on iTunes. Season 7 starts soon. I'm in Colorado!
Mon, 13 January 2014
SASHEER ZAMATA from SNL. A classic episode! Sasheer, Nicole Byer, and Keisha Zollar join me to discuss mysteries in a fabulous Black History Month episode. Subscribe on iTunes!
Mon, 13 January 2014
ALEX FOSSELLA is here! REDDIT WAR! Our podcast network's Facebook group went to war with the Podcasts Subreddit and it quickly became a heist movie. We had a ragtag team, we had a plan, and we had... A MOLE! We find out who the mole is and he CALLS IN TO THE SHOW!
Mon, 6 January 2014
MATT BACA is here! OK Cupid Stinks. Man with two penises on Reddit. Tristan Starchild's terrbile new song leads to some Chinese Food pranks calls. Wacky Yackie is a girl on the internet.